Delivery Charges / Info

Normal Mail:

1 to 2 pieces = $1.50
3 pieces = $2.60
4 to 6 pieces = $3.40
7 to 8 pieces = $ 9.20 (will be as registered mail)

Registered Mail :

1 to 2 pieces = $3.80
3 pieces = $4.80
4 to 6 pieces = $5.60
7 to 8 pieces = $9.20

Normal mail:
The Sweet Bubble will NOT be responsible for any lost items of normal mails.
Please clear your mailbox for the postman to put in the parcel.

Registered Mail:
Registered mail is encouraged as there is a tracking system for it.
When your parcel is sent out, you will receive an email with the tracking number.
To check your registered mail status, please go to

If by any reason, just in case the postman came and no one is at home,
you can call 1605 to arrange for another delivery date.
Or you can go online to arrange.
Or you can collect personally according to the collection slip the postman left in your mailbox.
There is a limited period of days for you to collect or rearrange, please check the collection slip.